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Preparing Surgeons

Respond to the CAGS President's Challenge

We all understand the importance of research to advance surgical care, which is why Dr. Sean Cleary, President of the Canadian Association of General Surgeons, has pledged to donate to the Foundation for the next five years to the program of greatest need.  Past President, Dr. Mark Walsh and others have met his challenge – will you join them in supporting improved patient care?


Join them in supporting improved patient care!

Ways to Give

Donate to a cause you care about

When you donate to the Canadian General Surgery Foundation you are supporting research projects conducted by general surgeons in Canada, advocacy initiatives for general surgeons in their practice and development of education. These early career operating grants and funding programs provide an opportunity for general surgeons to explore surgical challenges and work toward solutions to improve patient care which can be of benefit to the entire surgical field.


If you choose to make a directed gift to one of our current campaigns, you can be confident your donation will be put to work right away to help further research to support both general surgery challenges and practices with the overall goal of providing the finest patient care in Canada.


Donations of $100 or more will be acknowledged in the Foundation’s Donor Recognition Program, at the Canadian Surgery Forum, on our website, and in our annual report. Learn more about the Foundation’s Donor Recognition Program.

Donor Testimonials

Surgical Scissors
Brent Zabolotny 2022

Dr. Brent Zabolotny

Department of Surgery, Grace Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba

"Being a member of several CAGS committees, and now part of the executive, I have firsthand knowledge of the desire that surgeons have, to improve surgical care in Canada. I have also sadly learned that to improve anything takes money. Unfortunately, government support only goes so far. Health care needs leadership and leadership needs support. Be it support for research; support for advocacy; or support for projects to improve accessibility and care, these cannot be achieved without organizations such as CAGS, nor without generous financial support from donors. For this reason, I am a proud and enthusiastic contributor to the Canadian Surgery Foundation."

Contact Us

Canadian General Surgery Foundation

505 March Rd, Suite 210

Kanata, Ontario   K2K 3A4


CGSF is s registered charitable foundation.

CRA Charitable #11883 6493 RR 0001

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© 2024 Canadian General Surgery Foundation

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