Granting Programs
Since 1983, the Canadian General Surgery Foundation has supported early career general surgeons with an operating grant. While these grants are still a priority for the Foundation, we are expanding our focus to include projects in the areas of advocacy and education, as well as research at all career stages.

Early Career Operating Grants
to larger projects, helping them to become more competitive in the search for funding. The Foundation awards multiple $40,000 grants to researchers each year.
The granting process is adjudicated each year by a diverse and experienced Research Committee. Committee members are highly respected volunteers with decades of research experience. All applicants receive a short, written assessment and a score, thus providing feedback to those who are unsuccessful to assist them in improving their chances of being awarded future grants. If no grants meet the minimum score in a given year, no grant may be awarded.
The grants are presented at the annual Canadian Surgery Forum. Since 2000, the Foundation has awarded over 50 such grants.
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Coming soon! In the recipients' words: their work, the outcomes of their research and the impact of the grant on their research and their careers
Early career operating grants provide an opportunity for general surgeons starting out to explore surgical challenges and work toward solutions to improve patient care. The experience gained from this work can lead
General Surgery Collaborative Network for Urban, Rural & Remote Surgeons
network of general surgeons to respond to requests for coaching, advise and training to empower general surgeons in remote areas. The program’s aim is to assist general surgeons to improve patient care in rural areas, to encourage them to take on slightly more complex cases confidently and to improve access to care in rural areas by providing surgical care close to home rather than requiring patients to travel great distances to receive that care.
This program will be managed by the Foundation and will support the development of a database of members who will serve as advisors and coaches and the means to link them to colleagues in their rural practices.
Specifically addressing the lack of specialty care in rural areas and the professional isolation resulting from not having colleagues or coaches to assist with difficult cases, this program will take the necessary steps to build a

Canadian Society of Surgical Oncology Research Fund
The Canadian Society of Surgical Oncology Research Fund is specifically designed to support innovative research by new and emerging surgical oncology researchers and to increase their ability to secure competitive external funding.
One grant valued at $20,000 will be award per year to a member of the CSSO. Grant proposals covering all aspects of surgical oncology are eligible, including translational research, health services research, quality improvement, clinical trials, clinical epidemiology, surgical education, technology and innovation. Selection will take place through an internal review process, with an objective to provide constructive feedback that can be used to improve future grant applications.